Поддръжка и администрация на форума > Новини и препоръки за използване на форума

 Софтуера на форума вече е версия 1.1.4


Радослав Русинов:
Днес софтуерът на форума беше upgrade-нат до версия 1.1.4
Тази версия е насочена главно към подобряване на сигурността и допълнително са оправени няколко бъга.
Повече информация може да се прочете на сайта на Simple Machines: Simple Machines Forum 1.1.4 and 1.0.12 released

--- Цитат ---Simple Machines Forum 1.1.4 and 1.0.12 released

his release mainly addresses some security issues and fixes a few small bugs.

We urge all users to upgrade to SMF 1.1.4 as soon as possible to take advantage of these fixes. A summary of the fixes is as follows:

 * Inline modification of a board which had moderators was not working correctly.
 * Stop CDATA blocks breaking preview/quick modify.
 * Allow users to log out in maintenance mode.
 * Check GET and POST instead of REQUEST for numeric keys.
 * Fixed editing grace period inconsistancies within the post script.
 * Some input values didn't get escaped properly - reported by Michael Brooks.
 * Some attachment filenames didn't get escaped properly.
 * Function for fixing list and table tags wasn't working as expected.

--- Край на цитат ---



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