Мили приятели за 4 месеца ослабнах с 26 килограма от лечението и имам страшни сърбежи по цялото тяло и слабите места, помогнете ми ако знаете как ?
Здрасти Юли!
26 килограма не са малко, надявам се все пак да си поне 55 килограма

Ядеш ли достатъчно? Нали знаеш, че трябва да се храниш, дори и да нямаш апетит, и то бих ти препоръчал да наблегнеш и на месото. В този момент имаш нужда от силна храна, а между другото доколкото знам, при интерфероновото лечение, се топят и отслабват и мускулите. Затова яж, независимо дали ти се яде, или не.
А за сърбежите, препоръчвам ти два документа, които можеш да прочетеш:
A Guide to Hepatitis C - Treatment Side Effect Management, и
Pruritus (Itching).
Ето извадка от
A Guide to Hepatitis C - Treatment Side Effect Management във връзка с кожните проблеми:
A Guide to Hepatitis C - Treatment Side Effect Management
Skin Rashes and Itching
It seems like almost every patient undergoing HCV treatment develops some type of skin problem. The most common is caused by ribavirin, sometimes called a “ribavirin rash.” Skin problems are usually not serious, but can be very annoying. Interferon can induce underlying autoimmune skin diseases such as psoriasis or lichen planus. Consult with your healthcare provider or a dermatologist (skin specialist) if you develop skin problems during treatment. It is even more important to see a specialist if there is any redness, swelling, or accumulation of fluid or pus, which could indicate an infection.
Interferon and ribavirin can cause dry skin, so it is not surprising that most people suffer from this side effect during treatment. Symptoms may range from mild dry
flaky skin to severe skin irritation including bumps and blisters. The itching associated with rashes is usually mildly annoying. At its extreme, itching can be so irritating
that it interferes with quality of life. Itching tends to be worse in the evening and may interfere with sleep.
Generally, skin rashes are not particularly dangerous, except in cases where infections develop from scratching.
Avoid scratching; if you must scratch, never use your fingernails or sharp objects, since this can lead to infection. This is especially important for people on therapy, since interferon can lower the white blood cell count, which, in theory, can lead to a greater chance of infection.
Tips for combating dry skin and itching:
• Avoid soap. Use a non-soap cleanser such as Cetaphil or a similar substitute
• Try rubbing, vibration, or applying pressure instead of scratching. A good thing to “scratch” with is an ice cube
• Drink plenty of water or other clear fluids to keep your entire body hydrated
• Apply moisturizer immediately after a shower or bath - before drying off with a towel
• Creams are more effective moisturizers than lotions
• Apply moisturizer at least twice a day. Effective moisturizers include Vaseline Intensive Care, Aveeno, Eucerin, and Lubriderm
• Use only non-perfumed, mild bath and personal care products
• Avoid extremely hot showers and baths
• Take an oatmeal bath to relieve itching and help with relaxation
• Try baking soda or unscented bath oils for bathing
• Apply cold packs (wrapped in a towel) to the skin
• Whenever possible, wear loose fitting clothes made from natural fabrics that breathe
• Protect your skin from the sun - wear sunscreen
• Look after your lips - use lip balm with sunscreen
• Get plenty of rest
• Keep rooms ventilated and at a temperature of 60 to 70 degrees
For mild itching or rashes, ask your medical provider if you can use an over-the-counter topical hydrocortisone cream. Do not use hydrocortisone on your face or for prolonged periods unless directed to do so by your doctor. Oral antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or hydroxyzine (Atarax) can relieve itching and also help with sleep problems.
Тук споменават за хидрокортизонов крем /поне аз така го превеждам/. Можеш да се консултираш с някой дерматолог и да видиш дали можеш да ползваш нещо такова.
А това е извадка от документа за сърбежите по принцип при хората с хроничен хепатит C, тъй като това е един от симптомите. Споменават някои лекарства, които също си заслужава да проучиш:
Pruritus (Itching)
Certain drugs can help reduce itching, particularly classical analgesics for neuropathic pain (gabapentin, antidepressants) which also exhibit antipruritic efficacy upon
clinical use. Some people find that antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or hydroxyzine (Atarax), help relieve symptoms and allow better sleep. For pruritus due to cholestasis, cholestyramine (Questran) and colestipol (Colestid) may be effective. These drugs are bile acid binders that attach to bile acids in the blood and help eliminate them from the body. They can also interfere with the absorption of other medications, so other drugs should be taken at least two hours before or after bile acid binders. Some studies have shown that opiate antagonists such as naloxone (Narcan), naltrexone (Revia), and nalmefene (Revex)–which are used to block the effects of opiate drugs–can also reduce severe itching. Rifampin, phenobarbital (Luminal), ondansetron (Zofran), and ursodiol (Actigall) may also be used, and several other medications are under study. A study at AASLD 2005 (“Effects of Sertraline on Pruritus in Cholestatic Liver Disease: A Randomized Double Blind Placebo Controlled Crossover Study”) showed that Zoloft (Sertraline), an antidepressant often prescribed to people with hepatitis C, is also effective in reducing the itching caused by cholestatis. The authors reported that “sertraline significantly improved patient-reported itch scores by 30% compared to the worsening of scores by 24% in patients taking placebo.”
Another way to reduce itching is to stop smoking if you do smoke tobacco. Not only does smoking affect the sustained virological response to interferon (IFN) therapy, but it can also lead to “Smoker’s Syndrome,” which is characterized by episodes of facial flushing, warmth of the palms and soles of feet, throbbing headache, fullness in the head, dizziness, lethargy, prickling sensation, pruritus and arthralgia (joint pain).
Experimental treatments for pruritus include plasmapheresis (in which blood plasma is removed, filtered, and returned to the body) and ultraviolet (UV) light therapy.
Liver transplant is the only cure for severe itching in people with advanced liver disease. For most people with less advanced hepatitis C, though, practical measures
and medications are often sufficient to overcome the itch.
Tips for combating dry skin and itching:
• Avoid soap. Use a non-soap cleanser such as Cetaphil or a similar substitute
• Try rubbing, vibration, or applying pressure instead of scratching. A good thing to “scratch” with is an ice cube
• Drink plenty of water or other clear fluids to keep your entire body hydrated
• Apply moisturizer immediately after a shower or bath – before drying off with a towel
• Creams are more effective moisturizers than lotions
• Apply moisturizer at least twice a day. Effective moisturizers include Vaseline Intensive Care, Aveeno, Eucerin, and Lubriderm
• Use only non-perfumed, mild bath and personal care products
• Avoid extremely hot showers and baths
• Take an oatmeal bath to relieve itching and help with relaxation
• Try baking soda or unscented bath oils for bathing
• Apply cold packs (wrapped in a towel) to the skin
• Whenever possible, wear loose fitting clothes made from natural fabrics that breathe
• Protect your skin from the sun – wear sunscreen
• Look after your lips – use lip balm with sunscreen
• Get plenty of rest
• Keep rooms ventilated and at a temperature of 60 to 70 degrees
Като гледам съветите накрая - абсолютно същитеса като по-горните, но в текста преди това се споменават още варианти като начини за борба със сърбежите.
Аз между другото бях чел някъде преди време - жени обсъждаха как се справят с интерфероновото лечение, и едната казваше, че се мажела със зехтин, именно с цел да се пребори със сухата кожа, не знам доколко това е вариант при сърбежи.
Във всеки случай, консултирай се с добър дерматолог, мисля че би ти дал много полезни препоръки.